By invitation of the US Department of Commerce, Richard Allred, President, CEO, and Managing Partner of ATS, served as a key presenter at Brazil’s largest annual industrial and governmental environmental action conference held last week in Rio de Janeiro.
The Sistema FIRJAN Conference, which focuses on the water issues currently vexing Brazil and other populous and industrialized countries, is hosted by Sistema FIRJAN, a prestigious network of private nonprofit organizations with over ten thousand associates. Among its major water concerns are mitigation of nitrogen and phosphorus overload on water bodies, invasive species control, water re-use, sub-standard and failing wastewater treatment infrastructure, and others.
Mr. Allred’s remarks at the conference sparked significant interest among many in attendance, from scientists and engineers to government ministers and corporate executives, as well as Brazil’s Water Resources Technical Community. Allred presented details regarding a unique US-manufactured copper-based product, EarthTec®, that has been proven effective against algae, toxic blue green algae, and mussels. ATS will soon open facilities for the manufacturing and distribution of this product near Rio de Janeiro.
Another important focus of his presentation was the growing need for technological fixes for pollution from CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feed Operations) overload. Mitigating this challenge is a top priority for regulatory bodies across the world and is being viewed with similar magnitude and urgency as global threats like climate change, over-fishing, and deforestation.
Allred was praised for his in-depth understanding of passion for “leaving no stone unturned” in uncovering and securing viable solutions for these pressing environmental upheavals, and his ability to connect the talent, resources, and solutions needed for critical improvement. With numerous business affiliations and professional connections in Brazil, Richard is a recognized spokesman for several environmental and water challenges overwhelming today’s world. He has successfully brought together focus groups and specialized teams and continues to work toward uniting government, industry, technology, civic, and resource preservation leaders across Brazil.