Water Treatment Chemicals


You’re in the business—you understand the complexities of the clean-water battle and the work to balance water chemistry, taste and odor problems, sludge removal, algae and mussel problems, and the regular backwashes and filter cleaning.

The issue of clean water gets more and more attention as both natural and man-made contaminates become more complex and invasive. Many in the industry continue to do what they have always done; however, they are finding that the tried-and-true methods are often falling short. What if you could find proven, long-term solutions and a partner that will substantially reduce your operational costs?


The responsive team at ATS Smart Solutions will work with you to create custom solutions to save you money.

A water treatment plant (40 MGD) based in the southwestern U.S. saved more than $1.4 million because it came to ATS for help. ATS’s innovative team listened to the customer’s problems and then worked with the team at the treatment plant. As a result, ATS created custom-blended chemicals and outlined new protocols, which resulted in the huge annual cost savings.


Water issues change from season to season and from climate to climate, with unique challenges around the globe. Some areas fight algae year-round, others are dealing with the onslaught of invasive quagga and zebra mussels, while many more battle bacteria and even human waste.

ATS’s water experts work with water treatment and waste-water treatment plant supervisors and managers. We provide water treatment chemical programs that work! We start by knowing the right questions to ask, performing site tours and surveys of facilities and taking the time to listen. Finding smart-water solutions is much more than selling bulk chemicals or purchasing equipment. ATS considers every aspect of your environment to provide full water-treatment plant lifecycle management processes.


From water taste and safety to eliminating invasive mussels, the experts at ATS have a solution for your needs.

  • Meeting Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs) Standards: Naturally occurring carbon compounds are not hazardous by themselves, but combined with a disinfectant they produce byproducts that can pose serious health concerns, including cancer.

ATS offers water-treatment solutions that greatly reduce the use of chlorine-related disinfectants, lowering the total organic carbons (TOC) and thus resulting in significant reductions in TTHM and HAA5 levels.

  • Bacteria and algae control: ATS offers the most successful combatant treatment of bacterial and algae in the world—you can see the difference overnight.

ATS’s custom blended specialty chemicals attack and kill algae, bacteria, and zebra and quagga mussels, yet they remain safe for drinking water and for humans, animals, and fish. These highly soluble, low-pH algaecide/bactericides are designed for use in lakes, ponds, reservoirs, sedimentation basins, irrigation canals, treatment lagoons, and other water systems. Our custom-blended chemicals are registered by the U.S. EPA as an algaecide/bactericide and are certified to NSF Standard 60 as an addition to drinking water.

Once a water treatment plant undergoes a detailed analysis and implements our recommended chemistry, dangerous bacteria is eradicated and harmful algae disappear. In addition, you’ll see significant cost reductions that come from using our specialty-blended chemistry. You’ll be a customer for life.

  • Taste and odor: Nothing gets the attention of municipal water managers quicker than when the phone starts ringing with unhappy water users. T&O issues are some of the first indications that something is wrong. ATS can quickly and economically remove the elements that are causing these problems and give communities and your customers better tasting clean drinking water, on a consistent and sustainable basis
  • Reduce sludge: Is your plant constantly hauling sludge from your facility? Are you hauling two or more truckloads of sludge every day? ATS’s specialty chemistry can reduce your sludge to such an extent that you may need to remove sludge only once every week or so. Our sludge-reducing chemistry saves time and labor cost of hauling and greatly reduces backwashes and time spent cleaning filtration systems.
  • Invasive mussels: The rapid advance of invasive quagga and zebra mussels can choke off water supplies, and costs the U.S. economy billions of dollars every year. Once introduced into a waterway or facility, these mussels can become overwhelming. With only one treatment of our unique chemistry we can kill more than 70 percent of these invaders, and with a follow-up treatment all mussels are eliminated.
  • Rising maintenance costs: Some water-treatment processes can eat away concrete and steel, other products can glass over your treatment plant, while still others clog filters and require regular backwashes. ATS can solve all these issues, reducing water treatment plant labor and chemistry costs, resulting in healthier and safer water and environment. We provide results and desired outcomes for water treatment plant managers and the communities they serve.


  • Evaluation and assessment

ATS consultants have decades of experience and have treated the full spectrum of water issues. We know that every water-treatment plant faces unique issues. We take into consideration your equipment, current chemistry, water source, processing output, season and climate, fish and wildlife, consumer comments, and managerial concerns and goals. Once we have reviewed your plant and gathered the critical data, we create a customized water treatment plant program for you.

  • Application of specialty chemicals

ATS chemicals can be used in a broad variety of practical applications, including lakes and reservoirs as well as water and waste-treatment plants. The easy application and safety of our chemistry are ATS’s strongest benefits. Unlike other algaecides, it fully dissolves and is not degraded by sunlight. It will remain in solution, fully dissolved, until it is consumed by biological demand, such as an algae bloom.

Our high-quality specialty polymers have a history of out-performing the less-effective, off-the-shelf polymers. Many water-treatment plant managers are happy with 12 to 13 percent solids in the water-laden sludge they haul away. By applying ATS’s specialty polymers, you can increase that rate to 16 to 18 percent, which results in hauling more sludge and much less water.

  • Monitoring and follow-up

Once a plan has been executed, the ATS team measures your improvements in both the quality of the water and the amount of cost, labor and time saved. If adjustment is needed throughout the year, we are there to help you obtain optimal water performance from our full suite of chemistry solutions and application protocols, experience and know-how.

You’ll be pleased with the results of our high performance chemistry program along with the service of our industry-recognized experts. We provide you long-term value and solutions that solve your most pressing problems.

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